ForteVital® Young & Sporty Detox 500

The “Young & Sporty Detox 500” capsules with the power of arichoke hearts combine ingredients from Mediterranean cuisine, which many people associate with a healthy diet. They consist of a balanced combination of natural artichoke juice powder, milk thistle oil and eggplant extract - a total of 500 mg per capsule. Artichokes and eggplants are rich in numerous vital substances. Like milk thistle, they also contain bitter substances that can have a positive effect on the well-being of our digestive system (such as liver and bile). Also included is olive oil, which is valued for its unsaturated omega-9 fatty acids. The concept is rounded off by the phytosterols contained in plant extracts and vitamin E, which helps to protect the body's cells from oxidative stress.

Nutritional Information Per capsule % RDA*
Milk thistle oil, cold pressed 200 mg **
Artichoke flower bud dry pressed juice 13:1 176 mg **
Olive oil virgin, cold pressed 150 mg **
Aubergine dry extract 12:1 100 mg **
Phytosterols 20 mg **
Vitamin E 3,40 mg α-TE 28

* % RDA: Percentage of the recommended daily allowance according to the Nutrition Labeling Regulation / Recommended Daily Allowance
** No recommendation available yet